Living Hope Church, Medicine Hat


Our Library has a wide variety of books, both fiction and non-fiction, for children, seniors and everyone in between.

Anytime! Drop in!

Our Library has a wide variety of books, both fiction and non-fiction, for children, seniors and everyone in between.

Our Library has a wide variety of books, both fiction and non-fiction, for children, seniors and everyone in between. We also carry a large number of VHS and DVD movies. Children may sign materials out for a one week period, while adults are invited to sign out materials for two weeks.


Medicine Hat Christian Reformed Church

We gather to praise God, listen to him, and respond.
We nurture each other in faith and obedience to Christ.
We love and care for one another as God's people.
We commit ourselves to serve and to tell others about Jesus.
We pursue God's justice and peace in every area of life.